Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Cathofrauds 2
The self-proclaimed pro-lifers are generally not pro-truth, as the bishop of the diocese of Phoenix is once again demonstrating by echoing the deceits of those who were horrified by the withdrawal of a brain-dead person's feeding tube while they were supporting war and torture -- not the 'direct killing of innocents' -- abroad. Traditional theology says that the soul is more than the body, and the insistence that life be allowed to end naturally is mocked by the presence of machines that take over or stimulate bodily functions that would have lapsed, or the demeaning and invasive procedures required to maintain physical life once the memory, will & reason have been effectively extinguished. The so-called pro-lifers are materialists -- no longer do they see the medical machinery as a presumptuous & arrogant attempt by humans to maintain organic life at all costs, but suddenly, those procedures & machinery are now subsumed under the idea that they maintain the body 'until natural death'. So much of the wealth that ought to be transferred to those who ARE suffering unnatural death due to lack of medicine & food in the impoverished places of the world is spent to prolong the body's functioning indefinitely. And those who insist that this robs human beings of the dignity of children of God are then caricaturized & stigmatized as proponents of a 'death culture'. Not only is there a not-too-obscure blanket accusation of anyone who has to endure the actual eradication of a family member's personality long before physical death, there is no real belief that God's timing is not tied to the particular state of medical technology in the wealthy countries. Judging what is and is not 'natural death' by the facilities available in the rich suburbs of the United States or the cities of Europe is the purest relativism, made worse by the attempt to make immoral what was not immoral a mere decade or two earlier.
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